I am really really sick of emailing.... so this hopefully will be a short one haha!
Reading assignment: Matthew 5. its a good one
Spiritual: After many many weeks of no luck, we had some luck! weve got about 4 solid family potencials and we are really excited! so pray for them!
Also ***** was baptised and confirmed this week! how great! it was a beautiful service and even though we struggled setting it all up cause we have no idea what we were doing... But it went smooth and was fantastic!
Funny: Hna. Meldrum is in town! Tricia, and she suprized me and was at the ********** house. I love that lady so dang much! but it was funny, I walked in the Santos kitchen and she wa there, I turned around and RAN out the front door, and she ran after me yelling " you little Brat of a devil child come back and hug me!" that was a realationship haha it was good to see her!
We also sang and passed out he is the gift at OU that was fun!
we had an awkward middle transfer, im staying here for christmas! wahoo! but elder santamaria is leaving and I am so so sad. he is my Home dawg slice piece of Wheat bread. so that kinda is sad for christmas but thats okay!
but im tired of typing and this email is pefect length haha
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Thursday, December 11, 2014
4 month mark!!
Hey Everyone!!!
This week was good, picked up a bit form the last week, we re-kindled relationships with inv. and potentials who we just have no had the opportunity to meet with lately. But we are good to go now, and **** is buying a car so she should be able to come to church now so that will be great!
Inv- ******** his bap. is this saturday he is excited, we are excited! Ill send pictures it will be grand!
*******- taught restoration, haven’t gotten with her since.
***********- re-kindled after not having a car to drive all the way to indian-hills, but she loves us and is so cute! She has 6 kids who she is raising al alone and they are ages 10-newborn. So pretty dang crazy life, but she is darling.
********- Doing the same old, needs citezenship so he can get married and be baptised, be we eat with him and Hna. Z. every Wed. and its great!
Spiritual- Every so often I remember "holy cruds. I am a missionary and little children sing songs about me!" especially when I read Alma 37:33-35. Yes! I am a missionary and I can help people, and find people, and plant seeds. Thats what we mostly do really as missionaries we plant seeds. Its kinda cool.
Funny- A LOT OF THINGS. When walking around on Robinson, (google earth it if ya want) and Hna. Pine needed a bathroom, so we went to the gas station. I was gonna buy some Advil cause my silly feet dont work in the cold, when the cash reg. guy starts talking to me. I gave him a card, talked to im a bit, and he bought my meds for me. That was nice cause I am broke anyways! But 22 year old boy told us to come back soon... Dont know if we will or not!
- Then as we were walking around Alameda, We found a man *******, started giving him the missionary stuff, and he just said " You two are beautiful, come dancing with me tonight, I go dancing with my friends every sat. come dancing! then he was saying how we smelled good and just weird stuff. So as I start backing away saying “BYE" he stands right next to me, throws his arm around my shoulder and gives me an akward side hug thing and I WANTED TO DIE. HAHA so I dont think we will ever see ***** again hopefully. But hna. Pine got a good kick outta it!
This week was good, picked up a bit form the last week, we re-kindled relationships with inv. and potentials who we just have no had the opportunity to meet with lately. But we are good to go now, and **** is buying a car so she should be able to come to church now so that will be great!
Inv- ******** his bap. is this saturday he is excited, we are excited! Ill send pictures it will be grand!
*******- taught restoration, haven’t gotten with her since.
***********- re-kindled after not having a car to drive all the way to indian-hills, but she loves us and is so cute! She has 6 kids who she is raising al alone and they are ages 10-newborn. So pretty dang crazy life, but she is darling.
********- Doing the same old, needs citezenship so he can get married and be baptised, be we eat with him and Hna. Z. every Wed. and its great!
Spiritual- Every so often I remember "holy cruds. I am a missionary and little children sing songs about me!" especially when I read Alma 37:33-35. Yes! I am a missionary and I can help people, and find people, and plant seeds. Thats what we mostly do really as missionaries we plant seeds. Its kinda cool.
Funny- A LOT OF THINGS. When walking around on Robinson, (google earth it if ya want) and Hna. Pine needed a bathroom, so we went to the gas station. I was gonna buy some Advil cause my silly feet dont work in the cold, when the cash reg. guy starts talking to me. I gave him a card, talked to im a bit, and he bought my meds for me. That was nice cause I am broke anyways! But 22 year old boy told us to come back soon... Dont know if we will or not!
- Then as we were walking around Alameda, We found a man *******, started giving him the missionary stuff, and he just said " You two are beautiful, come dancing with me tonight, I go dancing with my friends every sat. come dancing! then he was saying how we smelled good and just weird stuff. So as I start backing away saying “BYE" he stands right next to me, throws his arm around my shoulder and gives me an akward side hug thing and I WANTED TO DIE. HAHA so I dont think we will ever see ***** again hopefully. But hna. Pine got a good kick outta it!
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Week of Thanksgiving. New companion and staying in Norman!
Hey everyone!!! Write to me!! I love you all!!! sidney.snowden@myldsmail.net
This week on days of my life….
Transfers were on wed. Hna. Pine is my new comp! She is great! Her spanish is awesome and we are gonna see muchos milagros! estoy muy animado!
……..But we didn't really get in with investigators, kinda a slow week. We spent it mostly sayin good bye with hna. Meldrum, (she is in SLC now so go hit her up homie pies!) and introducing Hna. Pine to peeps!
We had a Dia de gracias party Friday and Hna. Pine and I, the only non-latinos around (she is native american so this is our holiday!) We didn't get any turkey! Everyone ate it before us! haha dang it…
But we had pecan pie. OH MY GOODNESS never had I had such a yummy thing in my life!
We went tracking in the rain for about 2 hours, got soaked and that was super funny, we prayed and shared a scripture with a family. We talked to a lady who's son was just baptized on the Military Base here, so that was cool. We finally got in with someone who lives in a Guatemalan man cave, luckily it was the dama of the house, so she invited us back and it was good!
Cool story, we had a potential, ********. Every time we tried he would blow us off, so wed. (hna. pine's first day with me) we tried him, and he invited us over for a thanksgiving meal this upcoming sunday! So that was way cool!
Thats really all I have this week, saw some cool little milagros, and met some really nice people.
*********** is doing incredible! Taught him Word of wisdom, he said he already hates alcohol, drugs, coffee, that stuff so that was probably the easiest Word of wisdom lesson I will ever have.
Bap. Date for 13 of deciembre. keep praying for him! HES IS SO READY!!
but Love you all and I hope you have a happy thanksgivin!
- te quierro!
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
First Snow in Oklahoma
Hey everyone!!! Write me!! I miss you all and would love to hear from you!! Sidney.Snowden@myldsmail.net
So this week was good, Went on exchanges, I lead out the area cause I “gots" to know how! I didn't teach anyone, because they all cancelled on us, but we got a lot of potentials and referrals. It was a really good experience to know that I actually can do this mission work. Its really not that hard, you just gotta talk to people and visit them all day. What is hard is doing it in spanish and finding the courage TO go do it. But I don't need to rely so much on my companion to lead, I know how so why not help out and work 50-50 not 90-10. This isn't Hitch.
But no new investigators. ****** is doing good, he's been coming to church, we have been able to work with him a lot and help him gain a testimony of the restoration, its been really great!
******* is our Inv. with a baptism date, Dec.13 and he is SO ready! We meet with him every night in the weekend cause he isn't working, and he is so excited! But he just about cried when he had to say good bye to Hna. Meldrum. He is such a sweetheart. He told us how much we have helped him, and how he see us as his sisters. He will do anything for us. He is so awesome and I am excited to see his growth continue!
We are "Snowden" Its snowed Sunday! Luckily I got my package full of sweaters and coats Saturday night when we came home! That was perfectly timed and now I am toasty warm! ;-) thanks momma!
But Oklahoma is ridiculous!!!! it snowed maybe 1-2 inches and EVERYTHING closed down. No school, no stores, no NADA. Hence why I am emailing tuesday and not monday. Pansies. haha!
Transfers are tomorrow! Hna. Pine is coming down to Norman to work with me, Im excited to work with her, but sad Hna. Meldrum is leaving. She has been a great Mom out here, but now I need to learn how to do things for my self like I said before. So staying In norman and probably will be here until the holidays are over! (cross your fingers/ say a prayer!)
Monday, November 10, 2014
I love life here!!
Bueno hablo pablo.
This week a discovered Honey Roasted Pecans. They are my new favorite. They go above my Almonds. Just sayin....
I also kept having dreams that I came home and taught Dance, but I was a horrid teacher and SJ hated me. So SJ dont hate me, and Ive decided the first movie I am going to watch when I come home in Center Stage. I miss dance haha
Funny: We painted a members bathroom. I dropped the phone in the paint and I kept my mouth silent, instead of saying the words I wanted to say. Go me! I am growing as a person! haha, But I dropped it in the paint, grabbed it, stared at it for a minute because I was in shock (while trying to keep my mouth shut, and I successfully did!) then ran to the kitchen and started cleaning the phone. It works just fine, just looks a bit more decorated then everyone elses!
Teaching: I went ingles for a day on exchanges, and DANG, you white folk ask the deep questions. it was very different form spanish land. But we talked to this lady who was asking us about every odd question in the world, then she told us how she could see spirits, and told us they were always relatives to the person she talks to. So, If I am related to a Martha please let me know. Because she said a Martha was in the room and none of us ever knew of a Martha.
Spiritual : it is a serious thing to live in a society of possible gods and Goddesses. To remember that the dullest and most uninteresting person you talk to may one day be a creature which... you would be strongly tempted to worship...there are no ordinary people.- CS Lewis.
Would the God you and I know plant the vision and desire for Godhood within a man's soul and then frustrate him in his ability to attain it? What do you think?
Read assignment: Our Identity and Our Destiny- Tad R. Callister
. its 1000 pages long, but its is INCREDIBLE. each of us have the potential to become so much more. That is Gods purpose, and that is our purpose.
This week a discovered Honey Roasted Pecans. They are my new favorite. They go above my Almonds. Just sayin....
I also kept having dreams that I came home and taught Dance, but I was a horrid teacher and SJ hated me. So SJ dont hate me, and Ive decided the first movie I am going to watch when I come home in Center Stage. I miss dance haha
Funny: We painted a members bathroom. I dropped the phone in the paint and I kept my mouth silent, instead of saying the words I wanted to say. Go me! I am growing as a person! haha, But I dropped it in the paint, grabbed it, stared at it for a minute because I was in shock (while trying to keep my mouth shut, and I successfully did!) then ran to the kitchen and started cleaning the phone. It works just fine, just looks a bit more decorated then everyone elses!
Teaching: I went ingles for a day on exchanges, and DANG, you white folk ask the deep questions. it was very different form spanish land. But we talked to this lady who was asking us about every odd question in the world, then she told us how she could see spirits, and told us they were always relatives to the person she talks to. So, If I am related to a Martha please let me know. Because she said a Martha was in the room and none of us ever knew of a Martha.
Spiritual : it is a serious thing to live in a society of possible gods and Goddesses. To remember that the dullest and most uninteresting person you talk to may one day be a creature which... you would be strongly tempted to worship...there are no ordinary people.- CS Lewis.
Would the God you and I know plant the vision and desire for Godhood within a man's soul and then frustrate him in his ability to attain it? What do you think?
Read assignment: Our Identity and Our Destiny- Tad R. Callister
. its 1000 pages long, but its is INCREDIBLE. each of us have the potential to become so much more. That is Gods purpose, and that is our purpose.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
My week in Norman, Oklahoma
So funny thing when I get home, if there are not tortillas with ever meal, I might be really sad. My future husband will just have to live with it. A meal just is not complete with out your tortillas!
Spiritual: Remember the lord has called you to succeed not to fail. Sometimes it may seem terribly hard, but he wants you to grow. He will not abandon you. He inspired your call. He knows who you are, he knows what you need. He knows what he wants you to become, and this life experience is an opportunity he has given you to discover things about your self you never knew. Capacities you never knew you had, strength beyond what you felt you had and the capacity to love and serve which will sustain you throughout the rest of your life. Remember you have been called and he will fit the fast to your capabilities I testify in the name of Jesus Christ amen.- Elder Scott
I read that little message everyday, It was originally written for the missionaries in the MTC in 2013, but I like to think that we are called to our life. The family we have, the body we have. Its exactly like a mission call, but it is our earthy call. So don't forget you fit the task that your life was called to do.
INV.: hna. meld rums foot has been a bit of a bump in the road, we haven't been bail to go out as much as we would like,
********: cancelled on us
*******: he has a mouth, and sometimes we don't feel good around him but then he loves the LDM (libro de mormon) and he loves what we say. But we need to figure out how to tell him we are missionaries, don't act how you are cause sometimes your odd…
*********: Meeting with her this thursday, still doesn't know about the idea of a profeta.
*******: is reading the scriptures, and is working on getting HNA. a divorce, and was awesome!
********: some kids that were baptized before i came are the only members in the fam. But FINALLY the Granpa came to church so that was a MLAGRO!!! So awesome when he walked in the door!
Funny: what do you do when you are forced to break a commandment? Yesterday Hna. ******* and ******** were gonna have dinner with us, the elders were in the North for a baptism, so they picked us up cause the elders took our car. We were in the car and ***** says " I know this is breaking a commandment, but we are taking you out to dinner"
hna. Meldrum and I look at each other like deer in head lights
****** "What you don't like this place?"
Hna. meldrum "We've never been…"
******* " Just like little kids. Hate it before you try it."
So we went out to a pizza place last night (sunday) and so we have some repenting to do even though technically we didn't "buy it" but who takes the missionaries out to eat on sunday? it was crazy….
Reading assignment Judges 19:24-end (happy halloween!)
real reading assignment: Alma 48 SO GOOD!
libre soy is my favorite song, and i am back to rule #1 cardio. Burpiees everyday because I want my belt to buckle not my chair.
Te amo! - fresita fresa
Strawberry short cake. (thats the new name elder guzman has given me )
Fit 20 piece of gum in my mouth. Told y'all I was addicted…
The parrot costume!!!!
Spiritual: Remember the lord has called you to succeed not to fail. Sometimes it may seem terribly hard, but he wants you to grow. He will not abandon you. He inspired your call. He knows who you are, he knows what you need. He knows what he wants you to become, and this life experience is an opportunity he has given you to discover things about your self you never knew. Capacities you never knew you had, strength beyond what you felt you had and the capacity to love and serve which will sustain you throughout the rest of your life. Remember you have been called and he will fit the fast to your capabilities I testify in the name of Jesus Christ amen.- Elder Scott
I read that little message everyday, It was originally written for the missionaries in the MTC in 2013, but I like to think that we are called to our life. The family we have, the body we have. Its exactly like a mission call, but it is our earthy call. So don't forget you fit the task that your life was called to do.
INV.: hna. meld rums foot has been a bit of a bump in the road, we haven't been bail to go out as much as we would like,
********: cancelled on us
*******: he has a mouth, and sometimes we don't feel good around him but then he loves the LDM (libro de mormon) and he loves what we say. But we need to figure out how to tell him we are missionaries, don't act how you are cause sometimes your odd…
*********: Meeting with her this thursday, still doesn't know about the idea of a profeta.
*******: is reading the scriptures, and is working on getting HNA. a divorce, and was awesome!
********: some kids that were baptized before i came are the only members in the fam. But FINALLY the Granpa came to church so that was a MLAGRO!!! So awesome when he walked in the door!
Funny: what do you do when you are forced to break a commandment? Yesterday Hna. ******* and ******** were gonna have dinner with us, the elders were in the North for a baptism, so they picked us up cause the elders took our car. We were in the car and ***** says " I know this is breaking a commandment, but we are taking you out to dinner"
hna. Meldrum and I look at each other like deer in head lights
****** "What you don't like this place?"
Hna. meldrum "We've never been…"
******* " Just like little kids. Hate it before you try it."
So we went out to a pizza place last night (sunday) and so we have some repenting to do even though technically we didn't "buy it" but who takes the missionaries out to eat on sunday? it was crazy….
Reading assignment Judges 19:24-end (happy halloween!)
real reading assignment: Alma 48 SO GOOD!
libre soy is my favorite song, and i am back to rule #1 cardio. Burpiees everyday because I want my belt to buckle not my chair.
Te amo! - fresita fresa
Strawberry short cake. (thats the new name elder guzman has given me )
Fit 20 piece of gum in my mouth. Told y'all I was addicted…
The parrot costume!!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
First Transfers
what it esss doe young cuzzz?
I have a confession I have become gangster out here. Yup. I am a chola.
Inv: We finally got in with *****! we have on been able to talk to her at the door, but we taught her the 1st lesson and I asked her if "When you know this is true for your self will you be baptized" and she said yes! But she doesnt know if its true yet haha... But she got super excited about the lesson!
*****o was super drunk and just was not good this week.. He is going through some sad stuff, so all that day we smelled like whiskey. Guess he needs to hear about la palabra de sabiduria.
*******and **** and hna. ****** still wont figure out her divorce so they still cant get married...
spiritual: the lesson with Rosa was incredible! Just full of the spirit and she was awesome!
Funny: Not so funny, Hna Meldrum fell while we were playing mop tag (we throw a mop head at each other cause we cant touch each other its super fun! we play at a wooden park kinda like the one we have in utah) But she sprained her ankle super bad, and I have pictures. So we have kinda been stuck in the house for the past few days cause she cant walk on it and it needs to get better!
Transfers happend this week, I forgot to tell ya that I am staying haha, only cause im training. Then Hna. will go home Nov. 20th and I will take over the area. Start praying my new comp knows spanish! Elder Johnson left and we got Elder Guzman now, he is from Mexico and so the % of Spanish weve been speaking just raised up by 75%. I better learn now or never!
Your prays dont go un-noticed! Thanks for supporting me and my crazy ideas! Somedays I have no idea what the heck im doing out here! but then I go meet these crazy people and I have some pretty awesome friends that I hope to keep for a long long time and thats why I am here.
Theres a lot I need to fix, and a lot that I am learning, But if it wasn't for these people I would be back home, they need my help. I think more, I need their help!
Missionary work is so hard to do in utah! thats why I loved traveling with Dance magic! I did lots of missionary work there haha!
Yeah not a very interesting email this week but it happens!
Hope ya'll are doing good! Hope you stay safe! I miss you!
P.S. I still HATE EATING BEANS. I will always hate them. But im a good little missionary and I clean my plate.... nasty little hobbitsies...
La hermanita.
I have a confession I have become gangster out here. Yup. I am a chola.
Inv: We finally got in with *****! we have on been able to talk to her at the door, but we taught her the 1st lesson and I asked her if "When you know this is true for your self will you be baptized" and she said yes! But she doesnt know if its true yet haha... But she got super excited about the lesson!
*****o was super drunk and just was not good this week.. He is going through some sad stuff, so all that day we smelled like whiskey. Guess he needs to hear about la palabra de sabiduria.
*******and **** and hna. ****** still wont figure out her divorce so they still cant get married...
spiritual: the lesson with Rosa was incredible! Just full of the spirit and she was awesome!
Funny: Not so funny, Hna Meldrum fell while we were playing mop tag (we throw a mop head at each other cause we cant touch each other its super fun! we play at a wooden park kinda like the one we have in utah) But she sprained her ankle super bad, and I have pictures. So we have kinda been stuck in the house for the past few days cause she cant walk on it and it needs to get better!
Transfers happend this week, I forgot to tell ya that I am staying haha, only cause im training. Then Hna. will go home Nov. 20th and I will take over the area. Start praying my new comp knows spanish! Elder Johnson left and we got Elder Guzman now, he is from Mexico and so the % of Spanish weve been speaking just raised up by 75%. I better learn now or never!
Your prays dont go un-noticed! Thanks for supporting me and my crazy ideas! Somedays I have no idea what the heck im doing out here! but then I go meet these crazy people and I have some pretty awesome friends that I hope to keep for a long long time and thats why I am here.
Theres a lot I need to fix, and a lot that I am learning, But if it wasn't for these people I would be back home, they need my help. I think more, I need their help!
Missionary work is so hard to do in utah! thats why I loved traveling with Dance magic! I did lots of missionary work there haha!
Yeah not a very interesting email this week but it happens!
Hope ya'll are doing good! Hope you stay safe! I miss you!
P.S. I still HATE EATING BEANS. I will always hate them. But im a good little missionary and I clean my plate.... nasty little hobbitsies...
La hermanita.
Monday, October 13, 2014
WEEK 12!!!
Bueno, habla hermana Snowden
Thats what you say when you pick up the phone. I don't know why you start with bueno, but thats what my beans do.
First when we come back, after I am home, we are going to Big Dog Daddy's Ice House. I think its Toby Keith's Bar but I'm not sure… But it looks like they would have good wings! haha
Funny: so this week Hna. and I thought we were going over to a members house to "set heads straight" because the elderes said that a less active they work with wanted us to help her with her grand kids. So yes we are thinking "Come to Jesus Talk" because that is our specialty! We are missionaries! BUT.. We ended up picking Lice outta three hijas hair for 4 hours. MY WORST NIGHTMARE IN THE WORLD. But I didn't even cry. I cried on the drive home. Because BUGS ARE AWFUL. Get bug in your hair you cut and you burn that sucker OFF. YES! I picked lice out of hair. Everyone needs to send me peanut M&Ms because I faced the biggest fear of my life this week and have to repeat the process this up coming saturday.
Don't worry every night we check each other for lice, and we boiled our clothes that we wore that day.
Spiritual: We had stake conference this week and we haD a Seventy come and talk to recent converts, before the sunday session. He was from mexico, so he also spoke to the branch after conference. He was probably the coolest guy I've ever met! Super Funny. But He talked a lot about missionary work, and how everyone is a full time missionary! Our job with the name tag is to be the teachers, others job is to be the friend and the example. So be an example, invite the missionaries to your home, and invite a non member to come over also. That is a missionaries dream!
Inv: Coolest story this week, ******** is really hard to meet with cause he works all day everyday! We were talking with him and he just got really excited to learn more, and learn about where we go in the after life. So we didn't have time to teach him the plan of salvation, but we gave him a pamphlet. He also told us he wanted to come to church, we told him we had "niche de deportes" and him and his son wanted to come!
They ended up not coming, but he texted us asking to come over on tuesday, so we know he is really interested, so that is cool! Elizabeth was sick so we didn't meet with her, but she called us and said to come Thursday hopefully…
Read: alma 23 Its good and I like it.
hna meld bum accidentally slammed my face in the truck when she was closing it, so I have a hole in my nose and on my forehead. I look pretty funny, she feels terrible but I just have been laughing haha!
Love you!
tena una buena semana!
te quierro! -La hermana
Monday, October 6, 2014
Week 5 Conference Weekend!!
Hola! como están?
esta semana fue muy bien. Conferencia General, y asian comida! y mucho mucho guía por el espíritu.
This week: General conference, missionary super bowl! We all went to the stake center, and prayed for members and inv. to show up, unfortunately none of ours did, peru los elderes tienen una familia que son my bien investigadores! so that was cool for them! so about 14 missionaries and 4 members watching conference on saturday and it was the GREATEST! I did end up listening to a few talks in spanish cause I wanted to, I got a lot of different things out of it then I think I would have had I listened in ingles, so it was muy bien. I like spanish. And how cool was it that they had people talking in their native langua! so that was really cool,
Holland was probably my favorite on saturday, but I have too many!
Sunday we had some spanish branch come! so they finally quit being a little lazy and came! bien hecho! sudnay Eyring killed it for me. But i think Bednar has been my favorite speaker through out my mission thus far. I love that man. Buy Eyring for sure gave me what I needed!
Assignment: read the talk elder holland gave on saturday I think… Read it over and over!
Spiritual: Person revelation is a real thing. If you don't believe me pray for it your self. I dare you.
Investigadores: we had to drop a family this week.. It sucked and Im not gonna lie some tears came down my face. I loved that family, but they are just not willing to try and its been over a month that they won't commit to anything. so that was hard. But we got in with Elizabeth! she is the lady that I found when we did splits with ward members! she sounds like she could have a TON of potential! so pray for her, Fernando is hard cause he has from 2-4 open everyday and no other time, So we couldn't get with him this week unfortunately. But pray for them to be milagros!
Funny: talking on the phone last night with our DL Elder birch, I was wearing Hna. Meldrums glasses, and we said something about it and elder Birch said "hey I'm wearing mine" and my big fat mouth blurted out " you would look cute with glasses" stupid me. I only meant it as a compliment but silly missionaries have to give me the "lock yoour heart" joke. So if I get emergency transferred soon thats why hahaha. so not that funny but to me it was really embarrassing.
We ate at Pei Wei and I love chinese food. So thats all for this week folk!
Te quiero! pray for your missionaries to see milagros! thats the best thing you can do for us!
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Oklahoma week 4 :)
Hola! ok womans confrence, Uchtorf KILLED IT! Dear Women, yes. read his talk or listen to it. Because really it can apply to us all! But seriously it was awesome. I need to pull my self together and that's basically what I got from his talk. Get off my high chair. I love that man.
This week was good, had STM and it was great, did some knocking, Found out One of our investigators really likes us to go over to his house. Not just because we kinda force ourself to him, but he likes us! haha so thats always good!
I didn't eat anything spicy still. I love my zone, district and everything, life is good. I wish I could ride my bike more but everyone is too far away from us ha:-( like 15 miles away in all directions! Spanish is getting there, I FINALLY got to use the first vision in spanish! It was incredible! There is a lot of power when you get to say those words! You can just feel the spirit so strong and it was incredible! so far Venezuela food is my favorite!
Funny Story: On Friday HNA.Meldrum ran over and killed a squirrel. yes. Real Life. Squirrel soup YUM! no gross... We cried, the elders laughed. I also was laughing, but crying i think cause I was laughing... Hna. was crying Very funny I have a picture. First "real" hunting I've ever done haha!
There are more ways to be Good than Bad. We just don't exercise that goodness that is in us!
Life is perfect for no man. Have the pure love of christ for all - Monson. Use that Goodness that is inside of you. Don't let envy get in your way. "Envy is the one sin that nobody really confesses. We always need to be more, better looking, have more things, we never think of ourself as being enough. Count your blessings, applaud the success of others" - Holland and most of all the greatest thing to feel you are of worth is to serve others. Sacrifices, service, prayer, and hope bring miracles. heavenly father sees your effort. he sees your sacrifice. he loves you and he knows you. Don't forget that your sacrifice though may seem small in the worldly picture, is great in the sight of God.
Watching assignment:
Monday, September 22, 2014
3rd week Oklahoma.....Missions are hard
This week:
Pretty crazy!! Lots to do. We did some teaching (we mostly work with in-actives because finding spanish investigators here is not easy at all) so we trying to make
friends give us referrals. We had zone conference, learned a lot, and so much that I
don't remember it all..
I went on exchanges and spoke english for a day.
It was really really cool to understand what people
were saying. I helped explain a bit more of the temple to a lady in english
and she understood me! Weird to have people know what i am saying haha!
That night we had chilli and corn bread and it was the spiciest meal I've
eaten so far!
Then Friday we had DM and tried to go see some of our less actives. We went to
teach a members wife because she's a non member but we keep missing them.
Friday night was FIESTA Night! basically spanish culture night with all
food and dancing. It was awesome!
More teaching, our investigator pool is very small right now, but we will
find more....... its a challenge we can get Over!
There is a Mormon message video about a mom who never completes her list and
ends up doing many other things. Sometimes what you have planned for your day,
the Lord does not have planned for you. Thursday, our tire popped, so
we were thrown way off schedule, and had to cancel most of our apt, with
investigators, as frustrating as it was, we got to meet with a member and
help them out because they were having a hard day. So remember what you
plan is not what the lord has planned for you!
assignment: watch the MM video: true christianity and You Never Know
Love y'all hope all is well
PS ..... We have been at activities mostly, theres not many people in the branch, but we get feed 5/7 a week so that is good! I finally had real spanish food friday! There was some really good stuff! And then stuff i was to scared of to try haha! ill send you my camera card when I fill it, its got lots of videos and pictures, so one day! hows conner? little bum didn't email me! hows your friends? how are my missionary friends? OH ps get on my Facebook and accept the friend requests!
This week:
Pretty crazy!! Lots to do. We did some teaching (we mostly work with in-actives because finding spanish investigators here is not easy at all) so we trying to make
friends give us referrals. We had zone conference, learned a lot, and so much that I
don't remember it all..
After ZC we got to go to baptisms for the youth! That was so fun! So
cool because I got to go into the temple! Its the smallest temple I've seen, but so pretty
cool because I got to go into the temple! Its the smallest temple I've seen, but so pretty
I went on exchanges and spoke english for a day.
It was really really cool to understand what people
were saying. I helped explain a bit more of the temple to a lady in english
and she understood me! Weird to have people know what i am saying haha!
That night we had chilli and corn bread and it was the spiciest meal I've
eaten so far!
Then Friday we had DM and tried to go see some of our less actives. We went to
teach a members wife because she's a non member but we keep missing them.
Friday night was FIESTA Night! basically spanish culture night with all
food and dancing. It was awesome!
More teaching, our investigator pool is very small right now, but we will
find more....... its a challenge we can get Over!
There is a Mormon message video about a mom who never completes her list and
ends up doing many other things. Sometimes what you have planned for your day,
the Lord does not have planned for you. Thursday, our tire popped, so
we were thrown way off schedule, and had to cancel most of our apt, with
investigators, as frustrating as it was, we got to meet with a member and
help them out because they were having a hard day. So remember what you
plan is not what the lord has planned for you!
assignment: watch the MM video: true christianity and You Never Know
Love y'all hope all is well
PS ..... We have been at activities mostly, theres not many people in the branch, but we get feed 5/7 a week so that is good! I finally had real spanish food friday! There was some really good stuff! And then stuff i was to scared of to try haha! ill send you my camera card when I fill it, its got lots of videos and pictures, so one day! hows conner? little bum didn't email me! hows your friends? how are my missionary friends? OH ps get on my Facebook and accept the friend requests!
Monday, September 15, 2014
Week 8 of mission and Week 2 in Oklahoma
hey yall! so week numero 2, still goin good! Just a lot of door knocking, and a lot of visiting people, we stay pretty busy! They still call me little monkey cause of my spanish.. But so far most of them have said it is mejor than last week! so that is good..
People are funny, they get really excited when we give them a LDM and then the next visit they give it back and look at us like we are demons from a bad place and they pray for us when we walk out the door... Kinda sad how good satan is at his job. Give someone a light match and he will blow it out so fast! So we've had some hard things this week, but also so great milagros!
We had 8 inactives at church! That was good, y un investagdor, y lots of just good old people.
The work is good, not too many Beans in our bean soup of teaching, but we will find them! the bean bean language is comin, (I am actually allowed to say that) poco a poco.
My comp is great! This week we actually have a ton going on so It should be good!
Reading Assignment: "Hope Ya Know we Had A Hard time" y " there are no true endings only everlasting beginings"
Well kiddos I still love it here and im doing great! I love my bike! it is the greatest bike in the entire world! I try to do all sorts of ticks, but i am in a skirt...I've got the bunny hop solid with a good 5 inches. and hna. Meldrum laughs at me cause I take that thing on any hill I see! I love my bike!
The one thing I have really learned so far is that THIS GOSPEL IS SO TRUE! its not just about the church, ya its a religion, but it is so much more than that! it is EVERYTHING. I am getting married to a captain Moroni, because he is the greatest. if everyone had his faith, HELL would be shaken. So be like Captain Moroni, and have Captain Moroni friends.
Funny Thing this week: we have been attacked by Bugs, Snakes, and Dogs. Creatures hate us. There was a bug as big as my face in our apartment, and because I hate bugs, we called the elders to come kill it.. But they wouldnt so HNA. Meldrum grew a backbone because I do not when it comes to bugs. (anything else I am good) and she got ride of it while I hid in the office.
But I saved her from the snake that was chasing her! So cool beans!
Spiritual: Went to an INactive member, she Told us " I am going to be better right now, because I know heavenly father wants me to pray and talk to him, I know he wants me to go to church and keep the comitments I made with him." We didnt even have to say anything she just told us "I have so much faith and now I just need to act on it" so that was AMAZING
OKLAHOMA UNIVERSITY game day is crazy, 1000 of cars parked in everyones drive way, so crazy! but funny!
Things happen here that I cant explain. we had 8 Menos activos at church, that was incredible, and I have made friendships here with people who are WoNDERFUL. ******** is my favorite (he is a downsyndrom kid in our branch) he is my best friend and best teacher. That kid is perfect and I love him.
Hope all is well and I hope your weeks are as good as mine! much love!
Monday, September 8, 2014
Hola familia, Estoy en Norman Ok, cinco minutos de University de Oklahoma, en el mismo ciudad.
my dirección es 1230 Creekside dr. #307 norman, OK 73071 if y'all want to send me letters
So first week here!
Pretty Crazy getting here, the bus driver
from mexico ran every red light and even passed a cop car who had his
lights on, but there are no rules in Mexico!! I guess it didn't even matter, except I was terrified for my vida.

to the airport at 3am, flight left at 6 am, landed in OKC at noon and
went straight into tracking! Pretty scary but it was good! We made 3
appointments all in Spanish, that was cool! My mission pres is the
bees knees, a way cool guy! Slept at the mission home, and met my
trainer the next day! Hna. Meldrum. She is the blond version of Mckelle
Shaw so we get along pretty dang good haha!
Im actually at OU
emailing, I live 5 minutes from the school, my blood will now bleed
crimson, born in norman, I have to be an O fan the rest of my life haha
got our apartment to our self. Then we go and teach our investigators and I just
love them! HNA.Meldrum's bike needs a new tire, so hopefully today we
will fix that, We have met TONZ of members all the kids speak english
but the adults mostly only speak spanish
(at least to me haha)

It's really nice here! Super pretty! Jeeps, Trucks and Cameros those are
literally the only 3 cars here and Im not kidding. Perfct place for me
haha! I miss my Jeep how is he? still alive?
We have a car and a bike, cause our area is the WHOLE STAKE thats like
40 minutes in every direction, so we have both. My bike is
amazing and I want to ride it, but my comps bike has a flat tire
hopefully we can fix today… I want to take my bike home though its that
awesome. Perfect mountain biking bike! I've never had my own new bike!
(besides the crusier) so its nice to have a brand spankin new pretty one
I love it! And it actually works hahaha!
life is good, I can for sure already tell God puts people in your life.
We went tracking and had no idea where to go when we looked up a door
was wide open. This Puerto Rico lady let us in with out even knocking,
and so we prayed with her gave her a book of mormon, and she said "I
already know this book is true" I was like… what…? seriously? but
mission work is NOT that easy, so of course she was sick and couldn't come
to church with us, but we will get her next week :)
Food I've eaten pizza
almost every night and I am going to get FAT here… Im sad.. haha but it
shall be good, Sunday I had a good Oklahoma meal chicken, potatoes,
home made bread and a yummy fruit tart thingy! Foods been good so far,
kinda sick of pizza though…

Reading assignment: read your Pat. Blessing, IT IS INCREDIBLE and if you don't have one read Alma 32
I love y'all, and I really LOVE the people here!! Never thought I could
love people so MUCH and I honestly have met the best people!
Para siempre Dios Este Con Vos!
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Sidney's Mission Goals and off to Oklahoma!!
Bet yall are sick of me already this week!
Last week here was good, Kinda useless we didint do much, so but it was good, learned some spanish. talked about things we would and want to do on our mission, watched good videos, I finnished the BOM in 4 weeks that was cool, Started the bible, wow this thing is hard to read im only on pg 50 and have like 1000000000 more pages.. but im going to bible belt so i better read it!
The poeple in my district are making bets on how fast I will end up buying cowgirl boots... So make your bets people...
reading assignmet: didnt have time to find one.. so Read a Talk from Elder Ballard
See ya'll in Oklahoma! Follow the commandments because they will bring happiness, they are not to limit you, but to make you the happiest, kindest loving(est) person. They are there to protect us and make us good people. The priesthood is great and such a powerful thing we are lucky to be given! Its real. it is the power of God and I am so grateful I have a wonderful family who grew up with that incredible power! love you all! here from ya'll back in the states!
Para siempre Dios Este Con Vos
Three days later we got this!!
Hello fam! i made it! I knocked doors right when I got here made 3 appiontments for tomorow in spanish its great love yall!!
I made a list of mission goals but kept it at home so here is my new one, things I want to do on my mission.
-understand the scriptures more
-grow closer to God
-Learn to love all people
-Learn to understand peoples feelings
-Be happy for others
-Learn how I receive Revelation
-Learn how to really apply repentance in my life everyday.
-Learn to REALLY open up and share my experiences
-Learn español fluently
-how to be someones "rock"
-Learn to be loving and kind towards others
-learn to keep my self and others positive in CRAP situations
-See others as God sees them, in a loving child like way.
I really love my mission so much, I have never been home sick here honestly, I think mostly cause I know there is nothing in Utah for me right now so I hope none of
you are worried for me, I am doing great, But ready to leave, Im so excited to become a real missionary! the ones kids sing songs about! haha Im stoked to be in OKC but scared to be a real missionary at the same time.. LOVE YOU ALL! have a great week!
Last week here was good, Kinda useless we didint do much, so but it was good, learned some spanish. talked about things we would and want to do on our mission, watched good videos, I finnished the BOM in 4 weeks that was cool, Started the bible, wow this thing is hard to read im only on pg 50 and have like 1000000000 more pages.. but im going to bible belt so i better read it!
The poeple in my district are making bets on how fast I will end up buying cowgirl boots... So make your bets people...
reading assignmet: didnt have time to find one.. so Read a Talk from Elder Ballard
See ya'll in Oklahoma! Follow the commandments because they will bring happiness, they are not to limit you, but to make you the happiest, kindest loving(est) person. They are there to protect us and make us good people. The priesthood is great and such a powerful thing we are lucky to be given! Its real. it is the power of God and I am so grateful I have a wonderful family who grew up with that incredible power! love you all! here from ya'll back in the states!
Para siempre Dios Este Con Vos
Three days later we got this!!
Hello fam! i made it! I knocked doors right when I got here made 3 appiontments for tomorow in spanish its great love yall!!
I made a list of mission goals but kept it at home so here is my new one, things I want to do on my mission.
-understand the scriptures more
-grow closer to God
-Learn to love all people
-Learn to understand peoples feelings
-Be happy for others
-Learn how I receive Revelation
-Learn how to really apply repentance in my life everyday.
-Learn to REALLY open up and share my experiences
-Learn español fluently
-how to be someones "rock"
-Learn to be loving and kind towards others
-learn to keep my self and others positive in CRAP situations
-See others as God sees them, in a loving child like way.
I really love my mission so much, I have never been home sick here honestly, I think mostly cause I know there is nothing in Utah for me right now so I hope none of
you are worried for me, I am doing great, But ready to leave, Im so excited to become a real missionary! the ones kids sing songs about! haha Im stoked to be in OKC but scared to be a real missionary at the same time.. LOVE YOU ALL! have a great week!
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Last week at the Mexico City MTC is starting!!
HELLO! yes its been 6 weeks, i still can not figure out this keyboard, or my shower... its been really funny!
This week I had my first really good spanish mess up with an investiagator, I asked Erkia if she wanted me to pick her up for church, ended up asking if i COULD WATER HER TO CHURCH. So of course its actually my teacher as the investigador and she broke outta character and started laughing so hard! haha I felt really dumb but we were all really laughing, I might cry when that happens in the real life missionary world. Haha pray for me!
P.S. nikki sometimes we are bad missionaries and talk about "once upon a time", there is a different one and its in wonderland! so go watch it!
reading assignment for this week : ether capitulo 12, who ever finds the secret word (faith) (SNL secret word right here) and counts the correct amount of times it says it in the capitulo gets to send me a big fat bag of peanut m&ms!
This week I finished Alma in 3 days. Because Capt. Moroni has become my hero and my role model and I want to be the mujer version of him.
I also learned the difference between compound and concubine. Its very important to know that haha!
We watched a movie about how the SLC temple was made. It was incredible! I think its called mountain of the lord or something? We have Sunday movie night its the best!
Its going good here, Im so ready to leave but absolutley terrified to go. Spanish will come, I have no idea what I am doing so if any of you professional missionaries want to send me some advice that you wish you knew as a greengo please tell me! "thats all for now folks!" love ya'll and you shall se
e me in OKLAHOMA NEXT!!! Pray for me and pray that I have a good flight! haha Love you all!
I love the salt lake temple haha and yes I shall be married inside one day, the movie made us all bawl, took 40 years to build that temple, after the first 9 years the had to bury it because the army was coming to take it down, then they unburied it and found it was all cracked so they started over. The temple is worth everything so enjoy the sight of it! Ive gotta go soon, but I love ya! Tell the fam i love them and I shall email you saturday night I think...so watch for me!
para siempre dios este con vos
This week I had my first really good spanish mess up with an investiagator, I asked Erkia if she wanted me to pick her up for church, ended up asking if i COULD WATER HER TO CHURCH. So of course its actually my teacher as the investigador and she broke outta character and started laughing so hard! haha I felt really dumb but we were all really laughing, I might cry when that happens in the real life missionary world. Haha pray for me!
P.S. nikki sometimes we are bad missionaries and talk about "once upon a time", there is a different one and its in wonderland! so go watch it!
reading assignment for this week : ether capitulo 12, who ever finds the secret word (faith) (SNL secret word right here) and counts the correct amount of times it says it in the capitulo gets to send me a big fat bag of peanut m&ms!
This week I finished Alma in 3 days. Because Capt. Moroni has become my hero and my role model and I want to be the mujer version of him.
I also learned the difference between compound and concubine. Its very important to know that haha!
We watched a movie about how the SLC temple was made. It was incredible! I think its called mountain of the lord or something? We have Sunday movie night its the best!
Its going good here, Im so ready to leave but absolutley terrified to go. Spanish will come, I have no idea what I am doing so if any of you professional missionaries want to send me some advice that you wish you knew as a greengo please tell me! "thats all for now folks!" love ya'll and you shall se
e me in OKLAHOMA NEXT!!! Pray for me and pray that I have a good flight! haha Love you all!
I love the salt lake temple haha and yes I shall be married inside one day, the movie made us all bawl, took 40 years to build that temple, after the first 9 years the had to bury it because the army was coming to take it down, then they unburied it and found it was all cracked so they started over. The temple is worth everything so enjoy the sight of it! Ive gotta go soon, but I love ya! Tell the fam i love them and I shall email you saturday night I think...so watch for me!
para siempre dios este con vos
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
umm well my weeks are all the same... Wednesday we had a fast, from ingles, so the dictionary became my novio, i use it ever single stinkin day I LOVE THE DICTIONARY! umm I dont really remember anything that happend this week cause I was on Allergy meds all week... For those who dont know I dont do too well on meds, haha so I was pretty much WORTHLESS most of the week. I honestly cant tell you anything that happend on those days cause I have no idea....
This weeks reading assignment for you is Keep The Chain Unbroken- pres hinckley. I just love that man.
Ever seen warm bodies? You know how R can talk normal in is head, but cant speak human very well? Thats how I feel speaking Spanish, "Theres a latino talk to him!" (in my head) then out loud "Hola!" nailed it. That's very uplifting.
The best devotional this week, Elder Holland feed my sheep. I have no clue what its actually called, but how much do you love jesucristo? If you love him, if you want to find happiness in this life, the first thing you need to do is understand jesucristo bled from every pore, he felt ALL your internal emotional pain, he suffered on the cross and DIED so that we can have an eternal family, receive so much glory happiness, peace and love that we cant even understand! FEED MY SHEEP is what he said before, it is what he says now. I love my salvador, he literally has given me his complete self, so that I can become so much more than I ever will be on this earth. God truly has the perfect plan.
Haha no flirting! Mom im a Misonera! Im good, haha!! Food here is garbage litterally i think they pull it out of the garbage.. to pb toast and cereal cada dia..
If you want to know HOW to be happy read the book of happiness. There is so much hope and joy in el libro de mormon. It tells you how to be happy. God gives us trials to see what we will choose,but he will always give you a path that will lead to happiness. will you choose happiness or misery? CHOOSE THE PLAN OF HAPPINESS. its right there. SO EASY PLEASE JUST CHOOSE IT! There cant be any other church, we have the prophet who has been called of god! The prophet does not run this church, but our ETERNAL Father in Heaven does. He gives us direction, and if we could just understand that, the world would be such a happy place. Choose happiness. choose the plan of happiness, it truly will make you happy. I keep saying HAPPY because HAPPINESS is so real.
3 things i miss!
send me my expansion hoodie}
and my black converse in oklahoma?? that would be great! im an idiot and didnt bring a hoddie! what the heck?!?!
That would make me so so so happy for my hoodie and cons... love you!
para siempre Dios este con vos.
This weeks reading assignment for you is Keep The Chain Unbroken- pres hinckley. I just love that man.
Ever seen warm bodies? You know how R can talk normal in is head, but cant speak human very well? Thats how I feel speaking Spanish, "Theres a latino talk to him!" (in my head) then out loud "Hola!" nailed it. That's very uplifting.
The best devotional this week, Elder Holland feed my sheep. I have no clue what its actually called, but how much do you love jesucristo? If you love him, if you want to find happiness in this life, the first thing you need to do is understand jesucristo bled from every pore, he felt ALL your internal emotional pain, he suffered on the cross and DIED so that we can have an eternal family, receive so much glory happiness, peace and love that we cant even understand! FEED MY SHEEP is what he said before, it is what he says now. I love my salvador, he literally has given me his complete self, so that I can become so much more than I ever will be on this earth. God truly has the perfect plan.
Haha no flirting! Mom im a Misonera! Im good, haha!! Food here is garbage litterally i think they pull it out of the garbage.. to pb toast and cereal cada dia..
If you want to know HOW to be happy read the book of happiness. There is so much hope and joy in el libro de mormon. It tells you how to be happy. God gives us trials to see what we will choose,but he will always give you a path that will lead to happiness. will you choose happiness or misery? CHOOSE THE PLAN OF HAPPINESS. its right there. SO EASY PLEASE JUST CHOOSE IT! There cant be any other church, we have the prophet who has been called of god! The prophet does not run this church, but our ETERNAL Father in Heaven does. He gives us direction, and if we could just understand that, the world would be such a happy place. Choose happiness. choose the plan of happiness, it truly will make you happy. I keep saying HAPPY because HAPPINESS is so real.
3 things i miss!
send me my expansion hoodie}
and my black converse in oklahoma?? that would be great! im an idiot and didnt bring a hoddie! what the heck?!?!
That would make me so so so happy for my hoodie and cons... love you!
para siempre Dios este con vos.
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