This week on days of my life….
Transfers were on wed. Hna. Pine is my new comp! She is great! Her spanish is awesome and we are gonna see muchos milagros! estoy muy animado!
……..But we didn't really get in with investigators, kinda a slow week. We spent it mostly sayin good bye with hna. Meldrum, (she is in SLC now so go hit her up homie pies!) and introducing Hna. Pine to peeps!
We had a Dia de gracias party Friday and Hna. Pine and I, the only non-latinos around (she is native american so this is our holiday!) We didn't get any turkey! Everyone ate it before us! haha dang it…
But we had pecan pie. OH MY GOODNESS never had I had such a yummy thing in my life!
We went tracking in the rain for about 2 hours, got soaked and that was super funny, we prayed and shared a scripture with a family. We talked to a lady who's son was just baptized on the Military Base here, so that was cool. We finally got in with someone who lives in a Guatemalan man cave, luckily it was the dama of the house, so she invited us back and it was good!
Cool story, we had a potential, ********. Every time we tried he would blow us off, so wed. (hna. pine's first day with me) we tried him, and he invited us over for a thanksgiving meal this upcoming sunday! So that was way cool!
Thats really all I have this week, saw some cool little milagros, and met some really nice people.
*********** is doing incredible! Taught him Word of wisdom, he said he already hates alcohol, drugs, coffee, that stuff so that was probably the easiest Word of wisdom lesson I will ever have.
Bap. Date for 13 of deciembre. keep praying for him! HES IS SO READY!!
but Love you all and I hope you have a happy thanksgivin!
- te quierro!