Saturday, February 7, 2015

Baptism Coming

So this week, I dont really have much to say, I dont really remember all that happened... haha weeks all kinda mush together and I dont have much new to tell yall! I do the same stuff every week, but its different..? I dont even know how to begin describing mission work. 

Jackie has a Baptism date! we are stoked for that! this week we met with quite a few LA and that was good, found some potentials. 

Sunday we went on another church exchange, we went to Journey, It was very similar to Victory, we watched a baptism there. the font was a huge out side font, very different from the kind of baptisms we have. Its fun to see and experience all these different churches.

As great as it is to attend different churches, and services of all kinds of religions in my short short life, I never get the same good feeling, and knowledge that I feel and have with The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. 

I know that its the church of Jesus Christ, I know that He has called prophets today, because God is the same Today, Tomorrow and Forever. He loves us, and is the father of our spirits. Our whole purpose in this earth life is to become perfected and eventually become like him. The priesthood power has been restored, and I am so grateful I have my Dad, and brothers and family and friends who are worthy so I can use that power. God loves us, he has restored the truth in its fullness, we can read it in the Bible, the Book of Mormon, in the talks that our prophet and apostles give us today. He will continue to love us, and continue to guide us as we strive to do our best and be worth to feel the guidance of the Holy Ghost. The only way to know these things is to pray, and I hope you all will pray and continue to pray to know these things are true. 

And I leave this in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. 

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