Sunday, January 10, 2016

Well, I have lost the motivation to email... So I dont know how good tyhis one will be today!

Last week for P-day we went to the zoo! it was a good change from what we usually do! 

we also had all our appointments cancel on us, cause of weather, and cause when there are tornados there is a LOT of work. there goes our construction workers... which is 90% of our inv. haha But we will get them back on the roll again!

Hna. Hilton is legit, she doesnt even need training which is good for me. We were reading in this red stress librito que tenemos y it was talking about how sometimes you get own on your self. we were switch off who reads the paragraphs out loud cause we read it together. the parts I read out loud 
" you may be a bit disorganized" "you may get lost in the area" "you may be tired everyday"

so haha we had a good good laugh. those all qualify under my belt. 

The weathers been CRAZY! ITS 100 THEN ITS 50 THEN ITS 80 AND THUINDERSTORM I dont even 

I love my mission and I love these crazy Okies! The weather is weird but always an adventure! there is nothing like being a missionary! its really cool to see these people learn grow and change! Ive been converted to be an OKIE for life!

hope yalls are good!

Les Quiero mucho!


Driving to the Zoo (I got to drive the fancy ZL truck wahoo!) 

Selfies with the President

Well this week was good, lots of PLANING lots of organizing, and lots of miracles! 
Saying Bye to Sis.young was sad, but she is doing well at home ;-) Sis Jensen is my newest compadre! she is wonderful!!!! Everything I lack in this mission life Sis.Jensen has and I need to learn about! so I have a great new companion and I am so excited! 
our miracles this week was a man named Larry, the elders in 1st ward found him and set a lesson up for us! so we met with him, turns out his g-ma is a member! and now he is planning on getting baptized in January! it was so great! a miracles we needed after a long week of organizing things! 
This will be the craziest transfer on my whole mission! 7 exchanges, Christmas, Christmas conference, meetings and so much more! I am so excited! lots of hard work is going to happen and I am so ready! wish us luck! 
les quiero!

Close to coming home!!

 this week was wonderful! I don't even remember what we did! it kinda all just blurs together in a big stream....

We had exchanges with the Cushing sisters this week, I was with Sis. Mitchell here in Stillwater and it was kinda cool cause I was her companion for a few hours while sis.young went to the temple once, so it was cool to be reunited with her!

she has been out for only 6 weeks, and It made me think "holy cruds, I was once that baby on the mission, and now im old on the mission and STILL have no clue what I am doing!" its been really funny to work with all these sisters and see the different "stages" of their mission life, I just feel so grateful for my mission the things I have done and experiences I have had! I love greenies and wish I had a greenie to train again! I think that has been the best parts of my mission!

We had Christmas conference! it was fun to see the whole north 1/2 of the mission! all the friends I have made! and what a powerful way to have the Christmas spirit! 100 missionaries in one room! wow!

we made a lot of Christmas treats to give out! I think Sis.Jensen and I have eaten most of them though... But the thought that counts right? 

we had so many people come to church this week! it was a miracle! and this Saturday Alashanee is getting baptized! the greatest Christmas gift is the Holy Ghost right? so we are pumped! 

I hope your Christmas is as good as mine have been on the mission! I remember last year I was at Hna. Zambranos all day and the Linares home for dinner. It was one of the best Christmas I have ever had! I am excited to have another here in the crazy OKie place! 

love you lots! HAPPY CHRISTmas and I hope you remember the greatest gift of all! 

Les amo! 


A long one for Momma

This week was crazy! next week is crazy, and the NEXT week will be CRAZY as well.. always is just crazy! 

Monday we exchanged with Spanish sisters! so I got to go back to Spanish land with Hna. james this time! it was super fun! we found and taught 4 new people! huge miracles! Hna. james is super funny! we are actually going to move out together with Hna. baby Hilton in August it will be a crazy party! ( I keep saying crazy cause I think I am going a little crazy!) 

Tuesday night after Spanish exchange we drove up to Enid and had another exchange! I was with Sister Satermo, my Seester from Canada and I am going to move with her to Canada for the summer, She is the most spiritual human I have ever met. That was such an edifying exchange. We had a really good conversation about how God calls us each to where we are at in our lives because of who we are. He knows the success we can have, and he knows what will help us reach our full potential. It was really really cool and we both needed it!

we drove home Wednesday night and were SO TIRED! 

 Thursday was new years eve! no one wanted us to visit, so we did LOADS of service!
-Moved a horder lady from her house, she had lots of cats, basically our whole district was dying from allergies, but we helped her a lot and threw a lot of things away, so it was good!
- Volunteered at the Wondertorium! a kids museme place! it was a "noon" ever party, that was cool!
-Then we did our usual Thursday BINGO with the old folks. it was so funny! I love playing bingo with them its hilarious! they get so into it its great!

Friday we drove to Ponca, and I had the pleasure of riding my bike in the freezing cold with out gloves and thick tights. one of the greatest days of my mission! I always feel more like a missionary when I bike! it was so fun! 

Saturday we spent the day in Perry visiting members up there (30 min. north west of Stilly) and saw LOTS of success. 

Sunday: sis Jensen was sick, I think from spending time with sick sisters and being so busy took its toll. I don't blame herit was an exhausting week and we are looking forward to a similar one this week! 

BUT it was great! 

Best part of the week: In sacrament we had testimony meeting, and Jessica Maragas ( who was baptized nov. 7th) bore her testimony. told everyone how we need to share our fire of the gospel with our friends and family, and how Jesus Christ is her savior and brother. 

It was one of the most spiritually edifying points of my mission, that this work truly helps and changes lives! its been the greatest thing for me to see! I LOVE IT and will miss wearing this name tag! But until then Im going to work my BUTT off so I can come off that plane Crawling! 

Les quiero tan mucho! 

-Hermanita esnoyden

Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas!! 26 days to go!!

So Christmas is just Spanish for more Christ! pretty cool! 

Twas a good christmas week! it was fun Skyping with yall, and lots of food and eating, and parties and loads of fun! 

Christmas Day was most excellent! All the Sisters in our district (so 6 of us) slept over at our house, we stayed up all night and were crazy and had lots of fun! then we all woke up in the morning and went to the institute to open up our presents together, (12 missionaries all together!) it was so fun! and my district loves me so much they showered me with Gifts! I serve around the greatest people in the world! 

Then we went to the kennedys to Skype, yup my family is still weird... But they all seem taller! It was lots of fun! sorry im akward missionary and dont know what to talk about... exctept for baptism,  Im sure you are already planning on changing that! 

Then we took a nap, went to some other families house, had dinner, then a big missionary party with the sr. missionary couple the Kurrs (who are from Orem!) it was a good day! 

BUT SATURDAY THE 26th!!!!!! Alashanee was Baptized! Oh its been a long time coming due to situations we can not control, but she is now a member of the lords church, and has the holy ghost! I dont know what it is about these stinking Kids I get the pleasure to work  with and learn from, but I really love them. They deserve the best lives and I know they will be blessed with the companion of the Holy Ghost forever! 

It was a great week! this up coming week will be crazy! we are having 3 exchanges and It should be a lot of fun! and exhausting haha! 

Love ya lots! BYE!!!!!!!!


Alashanee Is baptized!!! Merry christmas with christmas Crunch cereal! just like every year! and christmas morning off to the institute with baby hilton! 

Monday, November 23, 2015

quickie email

This week, I got super sick haha, i think it was just allergies, and then my body just kicking me in the butt from never sleeping. Its hard to sleep when you live with 4 girls who are all crazy and just laugh about stupid things all night!  But it was good week still!

We are are up in Enid to day cause we are giving a trainging for their Zone-P-day/ STM 
so I dont have lots of time today! 

Jessica officially has the Holy Ghost! SO COOL! best blessing we could ever possibly have from our Heavenly Father! 

Sun is working twards baptism! Dec. 5th is the goal, she is worried for when she goes back to china that it will effect everything in a negative way, so we are still trying to figure out rules of that.. 

But man These Asians are so prepared for the gospel. they want it so bad! I really hope china opens up because the church would be so strong! 

Im greatful for the priesthood, I have really studied it out this week, we would have nothing with out it. It blesses me daily! 

Love you all! have a great week! 

Sorry this email is so lame and I dont have pictures! 

les quiero! 

-Hna. Sid Snow

Thanksgiving Week

happy turkey day! im very grateful for you all! hope you have a happy and safe holiday! 

This week was crazy,
Monday: up in Enid for STM, played volly ball and signs, had a really cool training on the 12 step program! I am actually now going through the booklet for the 12 week program to understand it more, its really really inspiring. My view of the atonement has completely changed. The 12 step program is incredibly humbling. So it was a really cool training!

tueday+Wednesday: Sister young ended up with strep, so we were in the house for 2 days! blehh nothing is worst as a missionary! but good thing Jessis' wedding video came in and we watched it 5 times! haha

Thursday! We had lots of weekly planning, we do service at Grace Living center, (old folks' home) and play bingo with them! its super funny! and they tell the greatest craziest stories! then we had institute. Good day

Friday: District Meeting, met with Jessica, and she is doing great! then that night we switched with the OSU campus sisters for exchanges! 

Saturday: I was with sis. Liddell (from South Jordan) and we had a good day! we met this really nice old lady Bernice, but she is moving away this week, so we gave her a BOM and I just send her address to the missionaries in Kansas to go meet her! 

Sunday: we are working with a lot of part members, so we can make sure they one day are sealed and can have their families together forever! we had a lot of success in that! 

Funny: I still dont know the 1st vision in english, so sister young always makes me say it when we get to that part of the lesson, I was so nervous to say it in english lats night I just read it from the pamphlet.. Sister young was laughing but annoyed with me haha it was funny! now she is making me say it in every comp study so I can try to memorize it again! wish me luck!

Welll Fam! I hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving! Happy 27th to my parents! thats a long long time! wahoo!

LEs Quiero tan mucho!


!. Enid P-day with supa sick our comp shirts
@. Our super effective Comp Study 
# Hna.Joven Y yo